Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Spring Plumeria
Friday, February 28, 2025
Wallapini Gardening
Recently my wife sent me a text about a sunken greenhouse. This looks like a good idea especially since the HOA's main concern is that things don't stick up over the fence line and make the neighborhood look bad from the street. This would make the greenhouse significantly lower and in turn make the HOA happy.
On the down side though there are some factors that may make this less ideal. I looked up some information on what goes into making one of these and came across a site specifically on helping people decide if this was the way to go for them.
First off you need to consider the land. North Central Texas land in general has a lot of clay which makes an issue for drainage of this kind of structure. The solution they propose for clay is to put in French drains to get the water out. This could work if the drain had somewhere to go. Our lot is pretty flat and thus doesn't have anywhere to go really. I'd have to run a pipe all the way around the house to drain out the front near the sidewalk and that would be to the lowest point inside the greenhouse. That point is not the floor level but below the cold sink which is needed to regulate the cold air inside the greenhouse. Apparently within a greenhouse (supposedly warm) there is often a cold air that sinks to the lowest point and can possibly keep your plants too cold if they are the lowest point.
Second concern I though of was what to do with all the dirt that has to be dug out. Where do you put it? The site assumes you have a bit of land and are able to choose an appropriate location. Pretty limited here but some of the dirt can go into planters after construction. Again clay, so not ideal. A possible idea that just came to mind, make bricks. Not sure if it's the right clay but I haven't dug down to see. Another idea is to use the excavated material to berm up around the outside. This would make the insulation twice as tall as what was dug out. More building a hill around the greenhouse for insulation.
Third, it's labor intensive to build. To do this properly and not give up in the middle I'd need help making it. Friends would probably help some but in the end it probably means hiring some help to finish it. Also renting a truck and possibly equipment to dig and haul stuff. Gardening is not for the lazy. It takes time to do a lot of it and persistence to keep it going.
There are many more concerns than this when deciding to build but these are some of the first thoughts after reading a page on Wallapinis.