Saturday, July 11, 2015

Precious Tomatoes

Most of us well know the prolific nature of the cherry tomato.  They grow fast and put out lots of fruit.  This was of course our best tomato plant last year and so it isn't surprising that the plant that seeded itself was a cross between it and one of the nearby varieties we had.  There are of course less tomatoes than the original but they are also slightly larger.  We haven't had to water it at all this year and it's still making tomatoes in this Texas summer we're heading into.  Now that we've added plant food and are watering it regularly we hope to see even more growth and a productive season.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


It's fun to say and interesting to look at.  They really aren't sold around here but that won't stop us from looking.  Usually it's the leaves of cabbage you look for but in this case it's the bulb.  the leaves are edible as well but not really the focus in many recipes I've found.
It's also easy to see why some people like to make cartoon characters from them. It's easy to see how someone can see a face with green hair sticking up out of it. I'm going to try something similar myself but with a slight twist. Hopefully I'll get it up soon.
In the mean time I'll be on the lookout for this veggie in stores. Who knows, maybe it will just appear one day.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Baby Onions

Our green onion has produced some baby onions in the flower poof this time around. It's made a couple before but this time it's upward of 10 or so in among the flowers.
This little guy was especially interesting since it didn't know what kind of leaf it wanted to put out.  In the end it decided to combine a scale with a shoot and it curled around like so.  We really should have planted more this year but what we do have is growing nicely and we've gotten some tomatoes from what planted itself from last year's dropped fruits. I believe we have more borage than we can use and not enough onion. I'll have to prep the bed better this year for the winter onion crop.
Still hoping for more rain although the lakes around here are groaning from  the abundance of water and those in low areas are cursing me for even thinking it.  Still that's one reason I bought a house so high up on a hill.