Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Backyard Design

Was trying to figure out what to do with the backyard so I asked for a simple layout with a tree in it.  As you can tell there is no tree in this yard and most of it is shrubs instead of vegetables.

I have to admit the layout looks nice but it doesn't even come close to what I asked it to do.

First off I gave it dimensions and where to put things in a layout design.  This is not oriented correctly and there are things all over the place that have no reason for being there.

The furniture, where did that come from?  And there's so much of it.   I think if I did put furniture in the backyard it would probably not be this much or it would be consistent on whether or not it was on grass or a deck.

And there are so many things for shade here but I don't really see any shade on the ground.  It's like there is the idea that it would be nice but the light must be coming from the air and so the trellis, umbrella, and pergola don't really do anything to keep you safe.  It's the kind of place where you would know that something was off if you were there but might not figure out what.

There also doesn't seem to be any access to the table and chairs on the grass.  You'd have to step over the plants.  I'm also pretty sure that on the right corner that that's actually a huge tissue box.  And at the top it looks like a secret garage door that is partially open. 

This could possibly be a cool writing prompt to see why some of these things are placed where they are.  What exactly is in that strange short garage anyway?

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