Thursday, May 2, 2024

Facing North

You may have heard about cat's insane ability to find their way back home from even a long way away.  It's true that cats have a remarkable ability to navigate the world but so far there hasn't been enough evidence that they have any sort of internal compass.  It's more likely that they use their other highly tuned senses to make their way through the world.

Our cats however don't have to worry about navigating the world, they're inside cats and merely have to navigate the house.  It's so much simpler.  We just moved and this is our first home with them but their third home that they've had to get used to.  They're adjusting nicely though and seem to already think they own the place.

That all said I can't figure out why they decided at this point to both sit in a doorway facing north.  They are usually running around or lying in a box, or on their cat tree on one of the many many levels, (I'll get into that at another time but I don't understand why there are so many cat trees that should really be called a cat bush or even just a cat chair....) or gnawing on each other as they still fight for who's the dominate cat.   But here they are spaced apart just sitting there.  I can't explain it.

Does anyone else have a cat (or other pet) that seems to face north or any other direction.  They rarely face north but they also rarely are just sitting there so there's that.

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