Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Chocolate is Announced

Finally have the advanced copies of A Chocolate is Announced!

Honestly it didn't take very long but you know how it is when you've ordered something and there's no tracking number.  The ferret is super cute on the front and the wrap around image is perfectly aligned.  Is should be by now since I've been doing this for years now.

Amber is going to be going back to Hawaii again next week cat sitting and doing a little more research for the new book she's been working on (not a Bean to Bar Mysteries book).

In every book she has a new animal she interacts with.  In book 1 it was her own bunny Knightley.  Since she's had goats, an octopus, a dog, a horse, a cat, and a cockatoo. We almost got a Miniature McCaw years ago but it just didn't pan out.  Of course we've had cats before and now our two new feline friends.  We've also had cockatiels and  parakeets but they didn't last long.

What are some of your favorite pets?  Is there an animal you'd like Amber to use in one of her upcoming Bean to Bar Mysteries books?  If we get any awesome ideas and use it you may just get a free copy of the book it shows up in.  Of course that probably means you've read some of the series already to get a good feel on how it would play in.

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