Thursday, June 13, 2024

Morning Glories

This guy was catching a ride on a much larger plant to get some vertical going on.  Cant remember if it was a banana plant or a travelers palm but you can see the leaf peaking out there on the left.

Some of the best flowers are on these kinds of vines.  The passion fruit flowers are surreal.  The first time I saw one I didn't think it was a real flower but a plastic ornament in their garden on the fence just so it didn't look like weeds.

Honey suckle was what we grew up having all around the neighborhoods.  Eating random flower nectar was the afternoon past time for us kids. I still pick up random fruits (pretty sure I know what they are but not 100%) and nibble sometimes.  My wife tells me I'm going to poison myself one day and she isn't going to feel sorry when it happens.  But I know better.  She'll feel a little sorry and make sure it doesn't kill me at least.

Growing random plants is another story though.  Those I'm usually not eating and by the time they get big we can easily identify them.  I do however pick up Texas walking onions though for soups, when I can find them.  They make tiny little onions instead of flowers for the most part and you can collect them and use them instead of having to chop anything.  Super handy.

What do you like to plant or wild harvest?  How often do you get to eat what you grow?  I'd love to hear in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. You promised me we're going to make a cohesive plan for the garden!
