Monday, June 17, 2024

Pink Hibiscus

So pretty but this is one plant that I probably won't grow.  My grandpa grew these and cross bred them down in southwest Louisiana where the humidity and temperatures were nearly ideal for these to thrive but even he had to overwinter them sometimes by bringing them into the house due to occasional cold snaps.

Up here we get both colder and hotter so growing them would be an issue.  Not to say you can't grow them since this picture was taken up this way but not what I want to sign up for.

Another plant I do plan to grow and possibly cross pollinate is the day lily. If you've read a bit of this blog you may remember the one I used to have that I had crossed back down south and brought with me.  I should have put it in full sun and kept is alive better but alas it's been long gone. This past week though I have purchased 2 different varieties and plan to put them up front of the house in the planter area.  They should do quite nicely.  I got them the same time I got the fig tree I planted out back.

The fig tree by the way has been in the ground now three days and seems to be acclimating nicely.  I must remember to water it regularly though for a while until it's fully set.  Also the clay soil around here is a bit rough so I amended it with some potting soil and cut it in before I planted.

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