Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring figs

It seems like I might get some spring figs this year. Usually the wind and rain dash the newly forming figs off of the branches leaving them to rot in the wet grass, but it seems that they have weathered well this year and will make a good harvest if I can get to them before the birds do.

My grandmother always liked making a fig preserve which she told us tasted like strawberries, and did a little. I only hope mom or some other relative still has the recipe somewhere. I don't remember seeing it in the family cookbook they put out a couple years ago but that doesn't mean that someone doesn't know it.

One of my favorite recipes from when I was little was in there.

Kettle Tea
1 cup hot water
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp sugar
splash of milk

Which would go great with a little homemade bread and fig preserves.

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